Sunday, October 5, 2008

I really hate saying "My First Blog"...but here goes!

Well, I toyed around with the idea of starting a travel blog, but I was hesitant for the mere reason that I hate blogs (no offense). Well...clearly laziness won, and I would rather update everyone all in one place for where I am/what I have been doing while here in Australia! So, here goes. My first blog (I am prepared for all ball-busting from my loving friends  ;)

Let's start with my flight. All I have to say is - thank God for free wine on Qantas and sleeping pills. I left for JFK around 3pm and boarded for LA around 7 ish... That flight wasn't bad (thank you Siobhan for the killer playlist!) I forced myself to stay up the 6 hours so I would pass out on the 15hr flight to Sydney. Mission accomplished, because I slept a solid 8-9 hours! Arriving in Sydney was quite comical. I basically packed my life, so seeing me trying to claim 2 oversized bags...a guitar...a carry-on that had to be gate checked...and a laptop case - was nothing short of ridiculous. I then had to put ALL those bags on a transfer bus and take them off a terminal over (minus the help of the Indian bus driver who thought it would be more helpful to sit there and laugh at me). Either way, I grabbed the quick hopper flight to Melbourne, and Brian picked me up with his friend Kim (male). I've noticed that a lot of men have girls names here. Kinda cool - but confusing at first... I loved the email from Brian, "Kim from my office has been showing me around..."! 

After we got into the apartement (which is nice), I passed out for a few hours. We then took a walk to Chapel St., which is this street with AMAAAAZING boutiques and restaurants. We ate at this Mexican restaurant, Amigos. I came back and pretty much fell on my face asleep. 

I woke up insanely early today (Monday) and went into the CBD. I heard the cafes here were supposed to be amazing, so I popped into a cafe called "Bourke's Armory". I thought the name had a good ring to it! Anyways... apparently you can't just order a coffee. This girl from Liverpool filled me in on what I need to ask for. If you ever come to Melbourne, go for the "flat white". I don't know what it is, but it's good and will keep me running in circle's for hours. I felt like Will Ferrel in 'Kicking and Screaming'. I then basically got lost for a few hours, finding all these amazing little alleys with shops and restaurants. The city has such a great feel to it. I didn't bring my camera today, but I will be adding some pictures once I do. Also, the spring carnival has begun which is kind of like the series of horse races leading up to the Kentucky Derby. I am in LOVE with all the fascinators and hats. That style really has to make it to the US... I LOVE IT!!! 

Well, here I am, back starting this blog. If you get bored, just don't read it! Either way, I have a terrible memory, so I am going to try and write just a tiny bit every day so I can remember every moment of this trip. Miss you all back home and please keep in touch! Email me if you want my address/mobile #. Love love miss miss! xo

P.S. Don't make fun of my grammar... I write the way I talk....get over it! :P